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Quality Assurance

We are committed to manufacturing high performance products that  provide value and satisfaction to our customers.


Through key quality performance measures and objectives, we remain focused on quality assurance and continuously improving our organizational performance and capabilities, producing high quality products, and holding our subcontractors and suppliers to high quality standards.


As such, Englo has been continuously ISO certified since 2003 for mechanical and electronics devices research, development, manufacture and maintenance.


We have received the following certificates:

Since Nov. 21, 2003 ISO 9001:2000

Since Nov. 19, 2009 ISO 9001:2008

Since Dec. 18, 2017 ISO 9001:2015


Englo ISO Certification


Tel: +372 670 2444


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Englo LLC

Akadeemia tee 21/1

Tallinn 12618


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